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Many are still asking about Myofascial Release Therapy, it’s probably because many of us are more aware of the different treatments that don’t require going under the knife and that Physical Therapy offers a safe and effective alternative to some physical ailments and discomforts. Myofascial release is one of them and it reduces pain by easing the tension and tightness in the trigger points. But many are still curious and ask about what to expect during the session.

So, we're here to actually discuss what to really expect from your therapy session and some tips to help you finish your therapy sessions with your Physical Therapy.

  1. Myofascial release is an interactive stretching technique that works with the patient’s body in determining the force, direction, and duration of the stretch to facilitate the relaxation of the tight tissues. So, the therapist acts as the facilitator in this therapy- take note that they work with the patient and there are no lotions or creams involved in this type of therapy.

  1. Myofascial Release is one of those therapies that use the patient’s body as the guide in forming a step-by-step treatment plan instead of planning it beforehand. Cool isn’t it? So, each MR Therapy is unique for each patient.

  1. You don’t have to make a big fuss about your outfit when you go to your therapy session. Your therapist would usually advise you to bring loose shorts for your session. For women, you can bring a sports bra or loose tank top to change into for your session. They would also inform you to shower and not use body lotion before the session.

  1. Your first meeting with your Physical Therapist would include history taking on your health (injuries and illnesses). After that would be a hands-on experience on home stretches needed for complete healing. This is also needed for your therapist to know the best treatment plan for you. Remember, it’s individualized so it’s unique for your own needs.

  1. Expect that you are provided with the best. Every session is a safe, non-judgmental healing space, and that all things that take place during the session are confidential. Trust and professionalism are of utmost importance to your PT.

  1. You need not worry about time since each session usually takes an hour. Your time is valuable, rest assured that every minute is used well and your appointment will be kept in time fashion.

  1. Self-treatment is also suggested by your Physical Therapy. This is always needed to reach your goal of healing. This also helps you in keeping up on the progress that you made during your session.

  1. A lot of patients’ most common question is how many sessions are needed to complete the treatment. It depends on the factor, for example, many clients experience a decrease in pain and have an increase in range of motion as a result. It would still depend on your goal and of course your current situation. Usually, sessions can be weekly, or bi-weekly for 4 to 12 weeks as a rough estimate. Again, it depends on your health situation.

  1. Expect an open-communication with your Physical Therapist. They often ask about your health goals since they would also base your treatment plans on that aside from the physical assessment you’ll be undergoing. They expect you to verbalize anything and everything you want to know and want.

There is so much more to expect and they are all great when it comes to experiencing something safe and effective for your health. Ask your Physical Therapist now and set aside that fear of having a Myofascial Release Therapy.


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