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Running can be exhilarating and not to mention it’s very beneficial to our body. However, there are times runners may encounter injuries at one point. Study shows that about 70% of runners will become injured at some point and since most runners are conditioned to endure pain and discomfort, it can a problem as well. For instance, they can endure and finish a 5k to 10k marathon. But because of the high tolerance to pain, runners have a problem distinguishing what is a normal ache from that which indicates a more serious case, and before they know it they’re limping and stuck on the couch with no clue whatsoever is wrong.

This is where Physical therapy comes in since the treatments are highly effective in managing and rehabilitating running injuries of any kind. What are the common running injuries anyway? Here they are:

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome

  • Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Stress fractures

  • Achilles tendinitis

What to do if you’re injured?

If you’re injured while out running, stop and don’t try to run through the pain. This is what other runners do to “shake off” the pain and discomfort especially if the condition is in its early stages.

First off, take the time off in running to let the inflammation subside to let the affected tissue repair itself. It’s a bummer but let us tell you that it’s necessary to do this so you can still enjoy running after the healing is done.

Getting yourself checked as early as possible can help you big time! Your physician will also refer you for Physical Therapy and your therapist can prescribe low-impact cross-training like swimming or biking to keep you active.

After full-time recovery, you’ll be advised not to return to your full workout load yet. Doing so will help you prevent re-injury.

Therapy Treatment for Running Injuries

When choosing your physical therapist, look for someone who specializes or has substantial experience in working with runners. Here in Arise Physical Therapy and Wellness, we’re happy to help you out with your injury. You can be sure that we not only understand the physiological effects of your injury, but also the psychological impact of it.

Like any other condition, your PT will conduct a thorough assessment of the injury to determine its severity and identify possible causes and contributing factors. This assessment will involve a variety of strength, mobility, balance, and pain tests. It sounds a lot but a comprehensive evaluation is needed no matter how small you think your condition is. Next, a personalized rehabilitation program will be made just for you. This plan will feature a variety of exercises designed to improve strength, mobility, and flexibility as well as correct any deficiencies noted in these areas.

Active therapy treatment often involves the use of therapy equipment such as:

  • Pilates reformers and chairs

  • Stability devices

  • Resistance bands

  • Free weights

  • Foam rollers

  • Steps of different heights

But these are just some of it. It would still depend on your condition as we’ve mentioned before. In many running-related injury cases, manual therapy—including massage, mobilization, and manipulation is used. For a more serious one, you’ll be advised to use supportive devices such as crutches, canes, or braces—to take pressure off of the injured area to promote healing.

The duration and frequency will vary depending on the severity of your injury. Your treatment plan also will include a home exercise program, which is a set of therapeutic exercises and activities that you are responsible for completing at home. Education is also important and it includes proper footwear. The greater your commitment to your treatment plan, the faster you will heal—and the sooner you can lace up and hit the road. Call us up to help you in getting back in shape!


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