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umper’s knee also known as Patellar Tendonitis is when there’s irritation of the patella tendon ( the tendon beneath your knee cap). This condition is often seen experienced by very active athletes especially males who play sports such as tennis, football, basketball and volleyball. Did you know that patella tendon pain is a common source of front knee pain often occurring from repetitive or excessive overload onto the patellar tendon.

This condition can be debilitating especially to athletes since it can cause prolonged absence in a game season and worse, early retirement if not treated well. We will be giving some simple exercises for you to do even at home to manage Patellar Tendonitis and prevent further injury.

Before your Physical Therapy sends you in a session of exercises, you’ll be undergoing an evaluation to determine your “pain generator”. Physical Therapists share that jumper’s knee pain is felt during periods of load and immediately stops when the load is removed. Most of the time, people confuse patellar tendon pain from patellofemoral pain- this pain is felt where the kneecap or patella meets the femur or thigh bone. For you to understand better, patellar tendonitis’ pain is load-related pain, meaning the pain worsens when there is greater demand on the knee extensors especially during activities that store and release energy in the patellar tendon. Plus, the pain is localized underneath the kneecap.

The Exercises

  • Step up

  1. Standing on a side of a step with opposite knee straight and foot pointed up, slowly lower leg with a 3-second count

  2. Keeping the knee in line with your foot, tap the heel on the ground and come back to your starting position

  3. Perform 10 reps on each leg

You can also do this indoors, and on a footstool or a thick book as well. Just make sure that it’s stable enough to hold your weight and place a chair beside you to help you keep steady, or place your footstool against a wall for your support. .

  • Single leg-Bent leg deadlift

  1. Maintain a neutral position and hold a kettlebell on the opposite side of your stance leg.

  2. Have a slight bend on the knee and perform the exercise

  3. Lean forward from the hip while lifting your left leg up behind you

  4. Keep in mind to move your body from head to toe simultaneously, make sure to keep your back straight.

  5. Return to the neutral position and repeat for two sets of 10 reps on each side.

  • Squats

  1. Place thick exercise bands above the knee with feet shoulder width apart

  2. Perform a hip hinge and squat halfway

  3. Hold for 45 seconds and repeat 5 times

  4. Keep the knee in line with your feet.

These exercises are meant to be slow and deliberate, so don’t rush. The goal is to strengthen your muscles and improve range of motion. You can do all these exercises at home, however, you still need to get a thorough assessment and guidance from your PT to ensure your safety. Be sure to complete your sessions to fully experience full recovery


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