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EPAT and Patellar Tendonitis


We continue our EPAT series with Kelsey demonstrating how we will help treat Patellar Tendonitis in the clinic. Known as Jumper's Knee, it causes inflammation and irritation of the patellar tendon found just below the knee, in fact the tendon helps connect your knee to your shin bone. We see this injury mostly in our athlete clients, those involved in sports with repetitive jumping like basketball. In this Blog, we will explain what Patellar Tendonitis is, how a typical EPAT session will look and additional exercises we will do in the clinic to help get you back to playing the sports you love. Need a reminder about EPAT?

You may remember from our previous blog (HERE) but to reiterate, EPAT is a non-invasive therapy which has gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. It is proven to help a variety of conditions and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, both acute and chronic. There is an ever growing field of evidence and use applications not only in the field of Orthopedics, but also Aesthetics, Urology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Neurology and Veterinary Medicine. 

Patellar Tendonitis The condition is usually caused by overuse or repetitive stress on the patellar tendon, leading to small tears, degeneration, and inflammation of the tendon. The primary symptom of patellar tendonitis is pain, which is typically felt at the front of the knee, just below the kneecap. The pain may worsen with activities that involve jumping, running, or bending the knee forcefully, and it may also be aggravated by prolonged sitting or climbing stairs. Other signs and symptoms can include swelling, tenderness, and a feeling of stiffness or weakness in the knee. A Typical Session The Patellar tendon does not get a lot of blood flow so using EPAT can help vascularise the tissue. Studies also show it decreases the thickness of the tendon. These EPAT outcomes allow faster and easier strengthening of the Patellar tendon and pain mitigation. Your usual session will start with EPAT on your Quads as it is attached to your Patellar tendon. We will use a large head on the EPAT wand as it is a larger surface area. Once we move down to your Patellar Tendon, we will reduce the size of the head to better focus the acoustic wave and target the Patellar tendon more directly. During the entire session, we will be sure to maintain a level that is tolerable and comfortable for you. Additionally, we will show you a myriad of exercises and stretches that will help speed up your recovery and strengthen your Patellar tendon. In the video below, Kelsey demonstrates the following two exercises that we will help you with:

1) Total Knee Extension(TKE) In this exercise you will need a resistance band which is wrapped around a bar. There should be two loops in the band with which you will put your legs through and sit the band behind your knees. Move back until you feel good resistance and your knee starts to be pulled back toward the bar. Now, straighten your leg while focussing on your quads and then slowly let the knee come back to the bent position. 2)Resistance Squats This time grab a thicker resistance band and set up for the exercise as the previous exercise. But instead of straightening your leg, this time you're going to do squats. Make sure to squeeze your quads at the top of the squat. Ensure your feet remain planted on the ground.

If you're suffering from Patellar Tendonitis, our EPAT therapy sessions combined with targeted exercises can be instrumental in your recovery. By utilizing EPAT, we can enhance blood flow to the patellar tendon, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing. Our clinic's approach focuses on providing a comfortable and tolerable experience, starting with EPAT on the quads and then targeting the patellar tendon directly. Alongside EPAT, we will guide you through exercises such as Total Knee Extension (TKE) and Resistance Squats, which are designed to strengthen your patellar tendon and expedite your return to the sports you love. Don't let Patellar Tendonitis hold you back any longer - take the first step towards recovery with our comprehensive treatment approach. If this information was valuable to you, CLICK HERE to book an evaluation with us. For more short instructional videos, follow our Instagram page by CLICKING HERE


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